YZ Systems NJEX Odorizer

NJEX offers a complete systems approach for all of your odorant injection applications.  When you select a skid packaged system you will receive a factory assembled skid, designed specifically to deliver many years of odor free service. This approach will also dramatically reduce time and expense normally associated with commissioning odorant systems.  Three simple connections are all that is required.

YZ Systems is committed to the safety of people and the environment and has provided odorization and sampling systems to the energy industry for the past 60 years.


NJEX Tanks & Skids NJEX offers a complete systems approach for all of your odorant injection applications.


NJEX 6300 Odorant Injection System The 6300 is ideal for lower flow applications where accurate injection and performance verification is expected. This proven system reliably provides proportional-to-flow odorant injection, onboard metering of the odorant injected, system monitoring and alarm notification. Additionally the system will document and verify injection rates, performance of each system component, parameter changes and alarms.


NJEX 7300 Odorant Injection System The 7300 Series was the first system in the NJEX family and remains the industry flagship for most user applications.  This mid-use, primary odorizer provides proportional-to-flow odorant injection, onboard metering of the odorant injected, system monitoring and alarm notification. Additionally the system will document and verify the performance of each system component, parameter changes, alarms and injection rates
NJEX 8300 Odorant Injection System The 8300 is designed for high volume injection applications.  The dual configuration (8302) will accurately inject up to 136 gallons per day.  This system has provided reliable performance at  critical injection points worldwide for many years.  This proven system reliably provides proportional-to-flow odorant injection, onboard metering of the odorant injected, system monitoring and alarm notification.  Additionally the system will document and verify injection rates, performance of each system component, parameter changes and alarms.


NJEX LOW-VOLUME ODORIZER The NJEX low-volume odorizer delivers reliability to low flow odorization applications. Its unique design delivers accuracy, reliability and odor-free performance and it eliminates the risk for “vapor locking” at even the lowest of flow rates. The system provides three levels of verification to confirm only the desired amount of odorant is introduced into the pipeline.


Sentry4 is a powerful tool allowing any organization the ability to remotely monitor in “real time” the operation of every NJEX installation in their system.  It provides the ability to change operating parameters, perform diagnostics and print multiple reports from a central location.
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